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Michelle Andrea Stewart has been serving others as an intuitive energy healer for over 15 years. Michelle’s innate and natural abilities as a hands-on energy healer inspired her to pursue studies in various traditional methods of energy healing to enhance her existing inherent ability. She studied with mentor John M. Carroll of NY and also received both a Basic and Master Practitioner Certification from the One Light Healing Touch School in Dutchess County, NY.

Born in Wilmington, Delaware, and raised in the rural Delmarva Peninsula, Michelle ventured out to New York City in 1988. While having had miraculous experiences over the years, it was in 2005 that she was spontaneously led to do her first physical hands-on healing, and realized her calling as a healer.Today Michelle is regarded as a masterful and gifted healer who is transforming lives and guiding individuals to release of anxiety, stress, fear, confusion, pain and dis-ease, opening up passages to instead manifest clarity, peace of mind, joy and relief from symptoms of illness. At times, when it is called for in someone’s healing, she has been used to share specific messages from loved ones who have moved on.

Michelle’s energy healing addresses and guides the body’s subtle energy to relieve pain, open up channels allowing for the flow of healing energy, and bring about life-changing growth. From specific physical concerns, to managing stress or deepening the path to personal growth, Michelle’s energy work helps to balance and awaken the body as a receptor for manifesting healthier physical, emotional, spiritual and personal healing.

One Light Healing Touch School website and studies:

Her story and more on Michelle's New Blog:  

"It came as a complete surprise to me, and to her. I was just standing at my kitchen sink, washing some dishes. Suddenly I felt pain stabbing through my lower abdomen. It was so intense, I thought I might faint. It was not typical for me to feel this kind of pain this way, and I wondered what could be happening...." 


"Michelle's intuitive readings are brilliant and priceless." -Carol Leitner, MBA,Healthcare Administration, Kripalu Yoga Instructor


"Your Intuition workshop was a turning point in my life. I was able to connect with what I needed to do for my own healing and bring joy back into my life!" A.P. Long Beach, NY


"Michelle is a highly intuitive, powerful and comforting healer. She has a strong ability to hold high vibrational energy and combines this with intelligence and a deep understanding of love and compassion for all beings. Her healings can feel invigorating and insightful or they can give a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace, depending on the techiques she is guided to use." - Constanze Dave, OLHT Master Practitioner


"After you did that distance healing session, I felt so much better right away. And my migraines that used to be more frequent only came back very rarely after that, months apart, and much less painful. They have never come back the way they were before!" Kathy H.


"I thought my husband needed the healing, but when you told me that you saw that it was me who needed it, I knew right away that you were right. He was about to have a surgery and felt absolutely fine about it, but I was suffering from anxiety over it for weeks! The distance session you did for me was so helpful and I couldn't believe the accuracy of what you were able to see while being so far away." M. in Maryland


"Michelle had been doing distance sessions for me that helped tremendously with my anxiety. One day, I had a very important job interview and I reached out to her because I felt so ill that I could not even get out of my bed. Michelle used distance healing to relieve my symptoms so quickly I was able to get up and prepare and make it to my appointment on time and feeling fine." -J. Miami, FL


"When I was suffering from an infection that failed to respond to antibiotics, Michelle Stewart (applied techniques that) healed me with a single session of color healing." - Peter O'Hearn


"When I was suffering from pain so intense that it made me feel like fainting, Michelle offered to do a distance session for me that night. She asked me to plan on being a resting state. All I remember is the feeling of suddenly having this terrible pain lifted away like a miracle." A, Woodstock


" Michelle, I wanted to thank you for the healing you did for me. I was suffering from very severe pain in my abdomen and the time you spent with me gave me great relief. I am thrilled to hear you will be practicing your healing and energy work so that others can also benefit from your gift."

- Deborah 

ISSUE: POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (Please note that I did not identify the sexual nature of the incident, but saw an image of the person and environment during the healing, while the patient experienced the visual of the details and saw the release of the affect of them)

"You identified an incident in my past when I was 'so very young' and I experienced sexual abuse. It was an extraordinary healing, one in which I felt a calm and peaceful healing experience. This memory emerged and was erased from my being. You channeled in God's healing power to replace my childhood experience of pain and suffering. I will always be grateful for that experience. Thank you so much Michelle." - Joan, New York


"Michelle performed an intuitive clearing ritual with me in my house which was both powerful and effective. My home is very important to me spiritually and as an interior designer, but I realized the energies in it were out of alignment in a way I couldn't balance with the physical. Michelle instantly picked up everything I'd been experiencing without me saying a word and we worked together to refresh my home with positive energy which I've felt ever since. This is intuitive guidance and healing everyone needs." A. M.  

"Michelle gives a beautiful, powerful, and sweet loving energy healing, complemented by clear and insightful information." - Ron Lavin, MA, Dir. OLHT

Community Service as Healing Work

I believe that a part of my healing work is what I do to serve others in practical ways, whether it be to donate time to recovery work in my community, protecting the environment, or donating financially to programs that serve the practical needs of people who are facing difficult circumstances. I often feel guided to take opportunities to do all of this in the same way I feel guided in my work as a healer.

Some of the organizations I support and have worked with include food pantries, environmental groups, demolition teams that assisted after Hurricane Sandy devastated the coastal community of Long Beach. I believe we all have an opportunity to experience healing when we participate in service to others.

"Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain." ~ Kahlil Gibran

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